GDG Macros, CorelDraw VBA Macros, Visual Basic for Applications in Corel Draw, Macros for you!

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FREE Macros! | Macros X5 & X4 | Macros for X6 | Macros for X7 | Macros for X8 | Macros for v.2017 | Macros for v.2018 | Macros for v.2019 | Macros for v.2020 | Macros for v.2022 | Macros for v.2023

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GDG Font Helper for v.2017

GDG Font Helper for v.2017

An alternative powerful font solution. Plus find, list, search, group fonts and more. This macro has the ability to search CorelDRAW's installed font list, discover and reselect document fonts, create custom font groups, and scan through fonts in your list at a user desired speed, as well as change fonts in document live while scoll previewing. Very Powerful. This version is for CorelDraw v.2017 only.


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*Searches the FREE and Commercial Macros

CorelDraw macros for version 2023

CorelDraw macros for version 2020

CorelDraw macros for version 2019

CorelDraw macros for version 2018

CorelDraw macros for version 2017

macros for coreldraw x8

macros for coreldraw x7

macros for corel draw x6

macros for corel draw x6


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